Today’s double feature is the Carlton Showband. I do love a good sea shanty. You? We are drawing closer to the end of this project and I can feel it! What will I do for next year’s 365 project? I guess birthing and raising a baby will have to do.

Stayed tuned over on my other blog click here for my other Creative blog to see what I’m up to next (in addition to baby makin’).


The Carlton Showband is a Canadian musical group of the Irish genre. Formed in Brampton, Ontario in November 1963, the band initially named themselves the Carlton Danceband in reference toToronto‘s Carlton Street where Maple Leaf Gardens was located.

They were the regular band on The Pig and Whistle, a popular CTV television musical variety programme from 1967 to 1977.

Despite the end of their regular national television series exposure, the band continued to perform until their dissolution in 1996.

….which brought me on youtube to this totally unrelated folk song called MERMAID played in a bar in Saskatchewan Canada! 

Happy Saturday record blog followers and visitors. You know what tomorrow is….. JOhnny Cash Sunday.

The last One. 

About fireygoddess

Fireygoddess is an Island Princess / mermaid ~ living on Vancouver Island in Beautiful British Columbia Canada. She loves cropping photos, her main squeeze / the scuba dude, throwing laundry down the stairs, upcycling, shiny things, sparkles, fluevog shoes and making art from found objects at the beach.

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